The Challenge
The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E) provides integrated health and care services across Exeter and East and Mid Devon. With about 8,000 staff, it manages a large acute teaching hospital, twelve community sites and provides acute and community services to a core population of over 450,000.
The UK currently has 35,000 un-met job vacancies in nursing. The RD&E, like many in the UK, experiences challenges in the ability to recruit and retain key workers. In doing so the RD&E has an overriding objective to be the employer of choice in the South West, and is already the city’s largest employer. A key feature of achieving this is to provide world class on site accommodation and 21st century transport solutions for staff.
The Result
GCF presented, and had approved by the RD&E Board, its outline business case. GCF has been reappointed as the financial lead in the advisory team, alongside Bevan Brittan (legal), for the procurement process on this project.
Current progress:
- Stage 1 – Prospectus (Underway)
Next steps:
- Stage 2 – Identification of Preferred JV Partner
- Stage 3 – Procurement, Full Business Case and Establishment of the Joint Venture