Making Change Happen
Global City Futures are expert providers of professional consultancy. We work with you to bring the public sector, private investors and communities together to achieve shared goals.
We help you to fund, develop and manage projects that deliver positive, sustainable change. Global City Futures specialise in sustainable infrastructure, city change and placemaking for healthier, more robust and greener spaces.
We have a deep understanding of public sector finance, corporate vehicles and HMT Green Book Compliance, and we successfully win bids for funding and develop solutions that attract private investment.
Business Case Development and Management
We believe that providing low carbon communities can be both practical and profitable. Global City Futures take the lead role for our clients in developing business cases, providing end-to-end project management as well as focused advice for all parts of the business case lifecycle and approvals process.
We work with businesses and public sector organisations to engage communities, define shared goals and build governance structures to drive change.
Financial & Professional Services
Our team brings decades of experience in “Big 4” financial services to our innovative finance solutions. To achieve sustainable, truly environmentally responsible infrastructure solutions is a challenge.
It takes real expertise to provide the focussed support your project might need – from project management, research and survey services, technical accounting advice and modelling to commercial advice and planning.
Funding Application and Management
Our track record managing multi-million pound projects gives us credibility with central Government departments as well as other funding sources. This enables our clients to win bids that successfully fund solutions to sustainable growth and infrastructure challenges.
We are able to identify funding opportunities that lead to greener, low carbon outcomes enabling you to hit targets or find and grow innovation.